Articles Tagged with s Attorney

Expunge-1024x1024How Can I Get an Expungement in North Carolina?

Having a criminal record can wreak havoc on all aspects of your life. When you are convicted of a crime, whether a misdemeanor or felony, you will have a criminal record that will remain forever. Your record will also show that you were charged with a crime. There are some types of crimes that are eligible for sealing or expungement. If you have a criminal conviction on your record, you may want to speak to a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to learn whether you may be able to get an expungement.

Home-1024x1024Understanding the Castle Doctrine (Stand Your Ground)

You are sitting on your back patio when you suddenly see someone you do not know making their way onto your property. The stranger is getting closer and is heading towards your side door with the possible intent of breaking inside. Do you have the right to defend against the intruder? The Castle Doctrine may allow you to take action, but it is best to understand how the doctrine works and what you are able to do to defend yourself, your family, and your property.

What is the Castle Doctrine?

1What is Self Defense?

When you are faced with danger, you want to defend yourself. When you end up seriously hurting or killing the other person as a result, you might be charged with a crime. You may defend the charges with a claim of self-defense. Self-defense is an affirmative defense to a crime. In other words, you do not dispute that the situation occurred, but it happened because you were defending yourself or your property. However, you cannot claim self-defense in every situation. The law provides for the use of force under specific circumstances.

When Can You Use Force?

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