Articles Tagged with probation Prosecution in North Carolina

Criminal charges are serious and if convicted of an offense you could face a severe sentence. Aside from the possible penalties, you will also have a criminal record, which could negatively impact your life for many years. You will want to vigorously defend the charges against you to seek the best possible outcome. In some cases, you may qualify for a deferred prosecution program. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help you seek deferred prosecution if it is possible for your case.

10-1024x1024Fighting Vandalism Charges in North Carolina

Vandalism is one of the most common charges in North Carolina and elsewhere. Vandalism happens when someone causes damage or destroys property that belongs to someone else. Most often, vandalism is a misdemeanor; however, there may be some instances when it is a felony. If convicted of a misdemeanor vandalism charge, you could face a sentence that includes fines and community service. In some cases, you could face jail time. An experienced North Carolina criminal defense attorney will help you defend vandalism charges.

What is Vandalism?

Theft-1024x1024Defending Theft Charges in North Carolina

Theft is one of the most common crime charges in North Carolina. Theft is often called larceny. There are a variety of different theft crimes and they could be misdemeanors or felonies. Regardless of whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, you could face serious consequences if convicted. A conviction may make it difficult to obtain employment and find housing. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will help defend the charges and protect your rights.

Types of Larceny Crimes

11What You Need to Know About Probation Violations

Probation is often included in the sentencing for many varied crimes in North Carolina. Both misdemeanors and felonies may include some form of probation as part of the sentence. When you are placed on probation it means that you must obey the requirements of the court order. If you violate the terms of your probation, it could be revoked, and you might end up in jail. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will help you resolve matters of probation violation.

What is Probation?

8Robbery Vs. Burglary: What is the Difference?

Theft is a common crime in North Carolina and across the country. Theft is the taking of property that does not belong to you. A person may be charged with theft if they are accused of stealing items from a store, taking a car, or grabbing a purse. There are various types of theft charges and depending on the severity, the charge could be either a misdemeanor or a felony. While most people use the terms “robbery” and “burglary” interchangeably, they are different crimes and one is more serious than the other. If you are charged with theft, you will want to vigorously defend the charges with help from a North Carolina criminal defense attorney.

Definition of Robbery

7-1What Happens if I Violate Probation?

If you have been placed on probation by the judge, you must follow the rules that the court provided. Probation allows you some freedom and is often a much better alternative than spending time in prison. Sometimes, a probationary period follows a period of incarceration as part of the sentence. Probation can be restrictive, and you could find yourself in violation of your probation. You may wonder what will happen if you violate probation.

Types of Probation

As a parent, you work hard to protect your children throughout their lives. Unfortunately, there may come a time when your child makes a mistake, an error in judgment, or is simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. When a child under the age of 18 is charged with a crime, they are often considered a juvenile. Juvenile crimes are similar to adult crimes, but because they are committed by a minor, the consequences and penalties are different. In some cases, a juvenile might be charged as an adult, particularly when charged with a serious crime.

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”

When you face criminal charges you are likely feeling terrified and fearful of the unknown. Your life may be somewhat on hold until you resolve the case. If convicted, you could end up with a sentence that might include jail time, fines, probation, restitution, and more. You can count on your criminal defense attorney to vigorously defend your case and help you get the best possible resolution. Meet with your experienced criminal defense attorney to review the details of your case as soon as possible following your arrest.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question:”What is an expungement?”

When an individual is charged with a crime and sentenced to either prison time, probation, or some other form of reparation, it is expected that the individual carries out that sentence.  However, once the terms of the sentencing are over, the record of their conviction stays with them, often impeding their ability to find gainful employment and advance in society. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help individuals have these charges removed from their record through a process called expunction. Read on for what North Carolina residents should know about expunctions in their state.

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What am I obligated to do if I’ve been pulled for Drinking and Driving?”

Disorderly conduct and public intoxication are actions that when combined may result in criminal charges. Disruptive behaviors along with intoxication may also result in criminal charges. Although you may often hear about public intoxication, it is not a crime to be drunk in public unless there are accompanying behaviors that are disruptive. North Carolina law provides for a number of acts that are disruptive. These include blocking traffic, blocking a sidewalk, starting a fight, cursing at or insulting someone, and begging. If you are charged with a disorderly conduct type of charge, it can come with significant penalties and a conviction will give you a criminal record. It is best to seek legal assistance from a reputable criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

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