Articles Tagged with obstruction of law enforcement

Blogs-1024x1024Signs of Intoxicated Drivers: Tips for Road Safety During the Holidays

Many of us drive to and from holiday parties during the holiday season and are busy running errands. Unfortunately, during the holiday season, drunk driving can put other drivers at risk of being injured in a car accident. Drivers may drink too much alcohol at a party or work event and decide to drive anyway, putting everyone else on the road in danger. Understanding the signs of intoxicated drivers can help you protect yourself on North Carolina roads this holiday season.

  • Erratic Lane Changes

Property-1024x1024What Happens to My Property if I Go to Jail?

One of the serious punishments that may happen to you if you are convicted of a crime is spending time in jail. When you are incarcerated, you will no longer have the freedoms you previously enjoyed, and you no longer have access to your property. Many people wonder what will happen to their property if they have to spend time in jail.

Property on Your Person

Booze-1024x1024North Carolina Booze it and Lose it Campaign

Drinking and driving is the cause of many accidents with injuries and fatalities. North Carolina has put a statewide ā€œBooze It and Lose Itā€ campaign in place to combat potential drunk driving. The campaign is in place this year, and extra efforts are being put in place for holiday periods. The program puts more law enforcement in place during times of possible increased drinking and driving. As a result of increased police efforts, there may be an increase in drivers who have been charged with DUI. An experienced criminal defense attorney will assist you in defending DUI charges in North Carolina.

Booze it and Lose it

5-1-1024x1024How Many Drinks are Too Many to Drive?

Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious offense. A driver who is convicted of DWI in North Carolina could face penalties that include suspension of driverā€™s license, jail time, fines, probation, community service, and a requirement to attend alcohol abuse education or rehabilitation. Most people can tolerate a single alcoholic beverage without noticeable impairment, but how many drinks are too many to drive? The answer isnā€™t simple. There are many factors that determine impairment.

8-1024x1024Can I Face Criminal Charges After a Traffic Accident?

Accidents happen very regularly, and most people get into a fender-bender situation at some point in their lives. While, typically, vehicle accidents are civil matters that parties work out between their insurance companies, there are some circumstances that may result in criminal charges. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help you resolve issues that end up in court.

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

6-1024x1024Should I Fight a Speeding Ticket in Court?

Almost everyone receives a speeding warning or ticket at some time in their lives. A speeding ticket is not necessarily a big deal, but in some cases, it can have a lasting impact. Generally, you have the option to simply send in a payment for the ticket or request a hearing. If you pay the ticket, you are admitting guilt, and therefore, you will be assessed a number of points on your driverā€™s license. If you wish to fight a speeding ticket, it is often helpful to seek guidance from an experienced defense attorney.

What are Points and Why Do They Matter?

Blogs-2-1024x1024What Happens If I Refuse to Take a DWI Test?

DWI can happen to almost anyone. You had a few drinks at dinner or have been out with friends and feel that you are not drunk. You get behind the wheel, and suddenly, you are stopped by the police. Although you may have been pulled over for a traffic infraction, the police think you might be impaired and ask you to step out of the car. Now you find that you are being asked to perform field sobriety tests and are asked to take a breathalyzer test.

What is a Breathalyzer Test?

Crim-1024x1024Fleeing and Eluding Charges in North Carolina

When police lights and sirens are behind you, signaling you to pull over, North Carolina law requires you to stop. You must pull to the side of the road and bring your vehicle to a full stop. Regardless of whether you agree with the traffic stop or not, you must still follow the law. If you fail to stop, the police will believe that you are fleeing and eluding. You will likely face charges of fleeing and eluding along with any other charges that might arise from the traffic stop.

What is Fleeing and Eluding?

2-1024x1024Five Things to Know About DWI in North Carolina

Driving while impaired, DWI, is a serious offense and if you are convicted, you could face serious penalties. A DWI conviction can limit your ability to get a job or find an apartment and can increase your car insurance rates. If you are facing a DWI you will want to vigorously defend the charges with help from an experienced DWI attorney. Here are five important things to know about DWI in North Carolina.

The Legal Limit is 0.08% BAC

4-1024x1024Is Honking Your Horn Legal in North Carolina?

Every vehicle has a built-in horn located on the steering wheel. The horn is needed for emergency situations, but sometimes, honking the horn can cause a problem. With the increase in road rage incidents across the country, it has been noted that using a horn can provoke or incite anger and violence. Some states have made it illegal to honk your horn more than once.

The Law Requires a Working Horn

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