Articles Tagged with misdemeanor charge

Gun-1024x1024Firearms Laws and Gun Owner Rights in North Carolina

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides citizens with the right to keep and bear arms. This means that generally, adults are allowed to purchase and possess firearms as protection. Each state has various laws that pertain to the sale and ownership of guns, along with federal laws that pertain to all those who live in the United States. It is helpful for gun owners to understand the laws that apply to firearms ownership in North Carolina.

North Carolina Gun Laws

2-1-1024x1024Can I Travel on an Airplane With a Firearm?

Many citizens in North Carolina own at least one firearm. According to a report, about 46% of households in North Carolina had at least one gun. The number could be even higher. Often, people keep firearms for protection or for hunting. If you plan to travel, you may want to bring your firearm along with you. It is important to know the laws that apply to bringing firearms and other weapons to the airport and how to pack them properly for legal travel.

Can I Carry a Firearm at the Airport?

3-2Gun Permits No Longer Required in North Carolina

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms. Many federal, state, and local laws are in place to govern gun ownership across the country. Recent legislation has removed the requirement for gun permits in North Carolina. This means that residents may purchase and own a handgun without having to obtain a permit from the local sheriff. This is a change to a permit requirement that was previously in place. The change takes effect immediately.

Handgun Permit Repeal

1-3Is Zooming While Driving Illegal in North Carolina?

The pandemic changed the way people work. Working from home became popular and even after the pandemic, many employees still telecommute, at least for part of their workweek. Remote meetings gained in popularity and are still a common way to conduct business. Remote meetings can save time and money and are an excellent way for businesses to improve productivity. Unfortunately, the uptick in Zoom meetings has created a potential problem on the roads. Participating in a Zoom meeting while behind the wheel can be dangerous and may result in serious accidents. 

What is Zoom?

5-2What is the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission?

If you were wrongfully convicted of a crime in North Carolina, there is something you can do about it. Besides filing an appeal, your case might qualify for review by the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission. The Commission has the legal authority to evaluate and make a determination of innocence based on new information or evidence. The NCIIC recently celebrated its 15th anniversary.

What is the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission?

6-1April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Car manufacturers have been steadily improving the safety of vehicles over the years. As a result, cars are safer than ever before. Unfortunately, accidents are still occurring at a rising rate. One of the reasons for an increase in accidents is distracted driving. Distracted driving increased with the increased use of cell phones. Although it is illegal to use a handheld device while driving, many people still use their phones to text. Texting and other examples of distractions can result in accidents. April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

What is Distracted Driving?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is social media evidence used in divorce proceedings?”

When we think of arguments involving the First Amendment and free speech, we often conjure up images of brave people taking stands on important topics. There are a number of landmark Supreme Court cases devoted to the subject, all examples of the power of the Constitution, which permits citizens to stand up and say or do what they want, even if it’s unpopular.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”

A busted pair of bank robbers in Brazil had resorted to an interesting method of disguise for their attempted heist: the duo covered themselves head to toe in aluminum foil for their early-morning raid.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “As a parent, what should I be aware of when speaking to police about charges my child faces?”

We recently discussed the potential case to be made against Donald Trump related to an incident in North Carolina that left a protestor at one of his rallies injured. Trump’s campaign must now contend with more than just theoretical criminal charges, as his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, has now been arrested in connection with the alleged battery of a reporter.

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