Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Are breath test results always accurate?”
A driving while impaired (DWI) conviction carries harsh penalties and lasting consequences. One of the penalties is the suspension of a driver’s license.
Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”
Courts must consider a variety of factors, including previous DWI convictions on the defendant’s record, to choose an appropriate sentence and penalties.
Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Why is it important to hire a DWI lawyer quickly after being charged with a DWI?”
The state of North Carolina has one of the most robust ignition interlock device (IID) programs in the country. For this reason, you may be required to install an IID in your vehicle after a DUI conviction. Always refer to the court order terms and conditions of the interlock device use, because if you do not follow the rules, you can face further legal trouble. If law enforcement charges you with an interlock violation, discuss the matter with a North Carolina DUI attorney right away to ensure your rights are protected.
Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Why is it important to hire a DWI lawyer quickly after being charged with a DWI?”
Drinking and driving is a serious offense in North Carolina. As such, a conviction of driving while impaired (DWI) can result in serious consequences. Common punishments include fines, jail time, probation, and license suspension. Most people rely on driving to get around. When there is no convenient access to public transportation, lack of carpooling options, or any other transportation issue, the suspension of a license can be inconvenient and catastrophic. That is why you need an experienced DWI attorney to represent you in any DWI proceeding so that you can get the best outcome possible given the circumstances.
Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers callers’ questions during a 30 minute radio interview with the Legal Forum. Recorded in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County North Carolina.
Most people have heard of ignition interlock devices before. People are vaguely familiar with the idea that a device is attached to your car that you must first blow into before the ignition will turn over. Beyond this bit of information, most people are in the dark about the specifics for how and when ignition interlock devices are used. To find out more about ignition interlock devices and how they work in North Carolina, keep reading.