Articles Tagged with felony charges

2-1How You Can Help Your Attorney With Your Criminal Defense

When you are charged with a crime, it is probably one of the most difficult and challenging times in your life. Regardless of whether you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you could be facing some serious penalties that may include a jail sentence, fines, community service, and more. If you are found guilty, you will have a criminal record that could restrict your ability to buy a home, rent an apartment, enter college, and more.

You will want to partner with an experienced criminal defense attorney to vigorously defend the charges and get the best possible outcome. While your attorney will handle the many legal issues, there are some things you can do to help make the process easier and to assist your attorney throughout your defense.

5Defending Discipline of a Professional License

A professional license allows you to be employed in your field, and it gives you the ability to make a living in your chosen career. Obtaining a professional license can be a long and difficult process. It takes years of education and training, along with some experience, in order to pass a professional license test. Once you have your license, you need to do everything possible to protect it. Unfortunately, circumstances can arise that could cause your license to be in jeopardy. When that happens, you will want to seek legal guidance to defend discipline that could result in the suspension or loss of your license.

Types of Professional Licenses

3What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen

When you own a firearm, it is important to be responsible. When you find that your gun is lost or stolen, you need to take steps to recover it and protect yourself against potential criminal liability. If someone else uses your gun in the commission of a crime, it could cause you to get into trouble with law enforcement. It is important to understand how to prevent your gun from being stolen or used without your permission and what to do if your firearm goes missing.

Gun Registration

2What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Defense Attorney?

When you have been charged with a crime, you want to take the charges seriously. If convicted of a crime, you may face a number of penalties that could even include a jail sentence, among other punishments. You will want to seek legal guidance from a skilled criminal defense attorney to guide you through the legal process and help you defend the charges against you. When you seek a criminal defense lawyer, there are some questions you can ask to help you make the decision to choose a specific attorney and law firm.

What is Your Education and Experience?

2State and Federal Drug Charges: What is the Difference?

When you have been charged with a drug crime, the offense is likely serious. You could face a number of severe penalties if you are found guilty. Drug charges can be confusing, especially because there are various state or federal drug charges that could apply in your case. It is helpful to understand the types of charges and potential penalties for drug crimes in North Carolina.

Types of Controlled Substances

1-4Can I Get Criminal Charges Dismissed in Charlotte?

Criminal charges can be devastating. If you are charged with a criminal infraction, the situation may consume your life. If you are found guilty, you could face some serious penalties that could have a long-term impact on your life. It is often best to vigorously defend yourself against criminal charges. In some cases, it may be possible to get some charges dismissed. A knowledgeable Charlotte criminal defense attorney will help protect your rights and defend against the charges.

Dismissing Evidence

3-4What are the Best Strategies for Defending DWI Charges?

Getting charged with DWI, driving while impaired, can be a daunting experience. You were likely driving along when you were stopped by the police. Suddenly, you find yourself at the side of the road, answering questions and performing some field sobriety tests. The next thing you know, you are in handcuffs, headed to the police station. DWI charges are serious, and if you are found guilty, you could face a number of severe penalties. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, there may be options for successfully defending DWI charges.

Was the Traffic Stop Legal?

7Can I Get a DWI While Riding a Bicycle in North Carolina?

Riding your bicycle is a great way to get around town. You can ride your bike to get to and from work, to go visit friends, and for pleasure and exercise. When you ride your bike, you may not feel that you have to follow all the same rules that you do when you are behind the wheel of a car. Some people may even use their bicycle instead of a vehicle in an attempt to avoid getting a DWI. Unfortunately, you are still subject to the same traffic laws as when you drive a car. You can still get a DWI while you are riding a bicycle in North Carolina.

What is a Bicycle DWI?

8-1What are the Most Common Blue-Collar Crimes?

Crime is generally categorized into white-collar and blue-collar. White-collar crimes are non-violent and include such things as embezzlement, health care fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and similar crimes. Blue-collar crime, although not a legal term, usually refers to any crimes other than white-collar crimes and may have a distinct victim and could be violent. Blue-collar crimes are more common, often because they are easier to see and prosecute.


9Auto Theft in North Carolina

Auto theft is another term for stealing a car. Car theft is a serious crime, and it pertains to all types of motorized vehicles. Auto theft crimes in North Carolina fall under the general category of larceny. If you are convicted of an auto theft crime, you could face numerous penalties, and it could limit your ability to get a job, obtain a scholarship, get an apartment, seek a loan, and more. It is critical to vigorously defend auto theft charges with help from a qualified North Carolina criminal defense attorney.

What is Larceny?

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