Articles Tagged with Drug defense Lawyer

2What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Defense Attorney?

When you have been charged with a crime, you want to take the charges seriously. If convicted of a crime, you may face a number of penalties that could even include a jail sentence, among other punishments. You will want to seek legal guidance from a skilled criminal defense attorney to guide you through the legal process and help you defend the charges against you. When you seek a criminal defense lawyer, there are some questions you can ask to help you make the decision to choose a specific attorney and law firm.

What is Your Education and Experience?

2State and Federal Drug Charges: What is the Difference?

When you have been charged with a drug crime, the offense is likely serious. You could face a number of severe penalties if you are found guilty. Drug charges can be confusing, especially because there are various state or federal drug charges that could apply in your case. It is helpful to understand the types of charges and potential penalties for drug crimes in North Carolina.

Types of Controlled Substances

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What should I do if I have been pulled over and I have been drinking ?”

Everyone who reads or watches the news knows about the devastating impact drug addiction has had on the country. Families in every county of every state have been ripped apart due to the allure of drugs, whether those obtained on the streets or those obtained through a pharmacy. Opioids in particular have blazed a path of destruction across large swaths of the country.

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