Articles Tagged with criminal negligence

Blogs-1024x1024Signs of Intoxicated Drivers: Tips for Road Safety During the Holidays

Many of us drive to and from holiday parties during the holiday season and are busy running errands. Unfortunately, during the holiday season, drunk driving can put other drivers at risk of being injured in a car accident. Drivers may drink too much alcohol at a party or work event and decide to drive anyway, putting everyone else on the road in danger. Understanding the signs of intoxicated drivers can help you protect yourself on North Carolina roads this holiday season.

  • Erratic Lane Changes

Property-1024x1024What Happens to My Property if I Go to Jail?

One of the serious punishments that may happen to you if you are convicted of a crime is spending time in jail. When you are incarcerated, you will no longer have the freedoms you previously enjoyed, and you no longer have access to your property. Many people wonder what will happen to their property if they have to spend time in jail.

Property on Your Person

8-1024x1024Can I Face Criminal Charges After a Traffic Accident?

Accidents happen very regularly, and most people get into a fender-bender situation at some point in their lives. While, typically, vehicle accidents are civil matters that parties work out between their insurance companies, there are some circumstances that may result in criminal charges. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help you resolve issues that end up in court.

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

1-1024x1024Defending Manslaughter Charges

Manslaughter is the killing of another person without forethought or malice. It differs from the charge of murder in that murder is the killing of another person with intent. There are several types of manslaughter charges that might apply. Although manslaughter is generally a felony, the penalties are usually less severe than the penalties for a murder conviction. If you have been charged with manslaughter, you will want to vigorously defend the charges to seek an acquittal or the lowest sentence possible. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will guide you through the legal process.

2-1How You Can Help Your Attorney With Your Criminal Defense

When you are charged with a crime, it is probably one of the most difficult and challenging times in your life. Regardless of whether you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you could be facing some serious penalties that may include a jail sentence, fines, community service, and more. If you are found guilty, you will have a criminal record that could restrict your ability to buy a home, rent an apartment, enter college, and more.

You will want to partner with an experienced criminal defense attorney to vigorously defend the charges and get the best possible outcome. While your attorney will handle the many legal issues, there are some things you can do to help make the process easier and to assist your attorney throughout your defense.

5Defending Discipline of a Professional License

A professional license allows you to be employed in your field, and it gives you the ability to make a living in your chosen career. Obtaining a professional license can be a long and difficult process. It takes years of education and training, along with some experience, in order to pass a professional license test. Once you have your license, you need to do everything possible to protect it. Unfortunately, circumstances can arise that could cause your license to be in jeopardy. When that happens, you will want to seek legal guidance to defend discipline that could result in the suspension or loss of your license.

Types of Professional Licenses

3What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen

When you own a firearm, it is important to be responsible. When you find that your gun is lost or stolen, you need to take steps to recover it and protect yourself against potential criminal liability. If someone else uses your gun in the commission of a crime, it could cause you to get into trouble with law enforcement. It is important to understand how to prevent your gun from being stolen or used without your permission and what to do if your firearm goes missing.

Gun Registration

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I have an outstanding warrant, what should I do?”

Manslaughter charges occur when someone dies due to the negligence of someone else. If you are charged with manslaughter you are facing severe consequences if you are found guilty. Manslaughter is different from murder because of the state of mind of the defendant at the time of commission of the crime. Murder shows intent, malice, or aforethought or extreme disregard for human life. When a person is killed without specific intent to murder, the likely charge will be manslaughter. Because manslaughter charges are considered serious, you will want to fight the case with help from an experienced criminal defense attorney in North Carolina.

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”

Mens Rea, which is Latin for “guilty mind,” is a standard in North Carolina’s criminal cases that helps prevent people from being punished when their intentions were innocent. The concept helps differentiate between an individual who intentionally committed a crime and an individual who did not intend to do it.

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