Articles Tagged with Charlotte traffic ticket

5Mecklenburg County Courts Going Digital – Delays are Expected

We all like efficiency and there is a need to bring all of our governmental processes into the digital age. With this in mind, the court system in North Carolina has been undergoing a transition to digital. The new system is designed to improve the court system with a software package of applications called eCourts. The state-wide implementation of the digital system is expected to cost about $100 million. The system will provide more online access to court activities and allow judges and clerks to complete more of their work from their computers.

Planned Transition Was Postponed

4Reckless Driving Charges in North Carolina

When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you must follow the rules of the road. If you fail to adhere to the rules you might be pulled over and the officer may give you a traffic ticket. Most times, traffic infractions have penalties that include points against your license and fines. However, sometimes a moving violation is considered much more serious and therefore, it also has criminal penalties as well. If you are charged with reckless driving, you may need to seek legal help from a skilled criminal defense attorney in North Carolina.

What is Reckless Driving?

3Can I Record a Traffic Stop?

We live in the digital age, where everyone has a phone that takes photos and videos. Because of this, people have access to recordings everywhere they go. You are likely aware of the many postings of traffic stops and police encounters that are posted on a regular basis on social media sites. Allegations of law enforcement misconduct and even unwarranted violence are common. You may feel that you should record your police interactions. However, the ability to record something does not necessarily mean that it is legal to do so. Many people wonder whether they have the right to record a traffic stop in North Carolina.

Recording in Public Spaces

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can I represent myself on a traffic ticket?”

It’s something that’s become increasingly common in recent years, signs warning that drivers are under remote surveillance and can be fined for a variety of bad behaviors, including speeding or running red lights. If and when such a fine occurs, most people open their mail and send in a check, quickly dispensing with the issue and avoiding needless hassle. Thankfully, one law professor in Maryland decided to take a different approach and fought his traffic violation. His story, published on Quartz, is an interesting one and raises some serious concerns about the legal validity of the traffic camera system that so many jurisdictions have so warmly embraced.

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