Articles Tagged with Attorney

J. Bradley Smith of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?”


When Bill Walker took the stand to address the young woman who killed his son, Chris, in a hit-and-run accident, those present in a Cincinnati courtroom were witness to one of the most extraordinary and unexpected acts of forgiveness chronicled in criminal courts of justice in recent years.

We do not forgive sign Charlotte DWI Lawyer North Carolina Criminal AttorneyWith his son’s killer standing just feet away, Mr. Walker—joined by Chris’s mother—told Lauren Balint that she was “totally forgiven. I hope you get married and have a good, long life.” Mr. Walker added that he wished his son had never stumbled onto Interstate 71 in front of Ms. Balint’s vehicle, because the accident had affected her life as well. Mr. Walker said forgiveness was the best gift he could give Ms. Balint in the circumstances.

The courts of criminal justice have long been known as adversarial settings in which prosecutors fight on behalf of state and federal governments to prove alleged criminals guilty, while accused criminals fight to prove their innocence. If guilt is established, the state or federal government seeks to punish a convict to the fullest extent possible under the law, while a convict seeks the most lenient sentence available.

These are broad generalizations, but in general our adversarial system of justice is one that provides little room for cooperation, especially in the arena of criminal law. A criminal case sets out the nature of the action in its caption: State of North Carolina v. Doe. The “v” stands for “versus,” or against. In the typical criminal case, the State is seeking to hold “Doe” accountable for his actions and to punish him.

In recent years, States including North Carolina have allowed victims of crimes to take the stand to describe the impact that criminal offenses have had on their lives. These “impact statements” may be considered by a judge or jury during the sentencing phase of a trial, after a defendant has been found guilty. Victims can describe any physical, psychological or emotional injury suffered as a result of a criminal offense, and can also explain how a criminal act has resulted in economic or property loss to the victim.

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J. Bradley Smith of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Do I need to hire an attorney if I have been falsely accused?”


Police in Pineville are telling would-be criminals to think twice before executing any misdeeds in the tiny suburb south of Charlotte. Or if someone does set out to commit a crime in Pineville, one should choose a corner of a parking lot where one is not going to see too many people.

Security Camera Charlotte Mecklenburg DWI DUI Lawyer North Carolina Criminal Defense AttorneyThe new round-the-clock wireless camera network does not cover the corners of a parking lots where one won’t see too many people, says Pineville Police Lieutenant S.C. Copley. Instead, the initial half-dozen cameras installed by the town are trained on Jack Hughes Park, where the action is.

Copley said the cameras are monitored. “We can keep an eye on any suspicious activity with people, maybe looking into cars,” Copley told WCNC. He thinks it’s a good thing that the cameras haven’t led to many arrests in their first two months of operation. Would-be criminals see the cameras and check themselves before they wreck themselves, he implied. “This isn’t a covert operation,” Copley said.

Cameras are “pretty much everywhere” already, Copley added, so having a live feed of the goings-on in Pineville available at the click of a mouse at the police station is “beneficial for safety.” Copley said officers can tap into the cameras at any moment to see exactly what is going on in a given location.

Pineville is home to Carolina Place Mall and some 8-million square feet of retail space, but the cameras won’t reach any of those spaces. It is likely that most or all of the retail facilities have cameras of their own, however, and Pineville Police Chief Robert Merchant is encouraging other businesses to follow suit. If they do, they can join the wireless police network. Merchant said police wouldn’t monitor feeds from private businesses in real time—they could if they wanted to, presumably—but officers “will have immediate access to playback… in case of an incident.”

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J. Bradley Smith of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Do I need to hire an attorney if I have been falsely accused?”


Last week, Amy Arrington illustrated how not to handle an impending court appearance. Arrington, of Gaston County, faked her own disappearance during a weekend trip to Myrtle Beach in order to avoid court in Charlotte on fraud charges. She turned herself in after additional charges were levied against her and husband Paul Arrington over the staged disappearance.

Two Car Accident Charlotte Mecklenburg DWI Lawyer North Carolina Criminal Defense AttorneyNow police have identified 48-year-old Jeffrey Wayne Greene as the man who illustrated Sunday how not to handle the problem of outstanding warrants. Police received a tip early Sunday that Greene was staying at the Days Inn in Huntersville. Greene was a wanted man in Mecklenburg and Lincoln Counties in North Carolina and York County, South Carolina. He faced a slew of charges ranging from resisting an officer and fleeing arrest to obtaining property by false pretense.

Before police officers could arrest him, Greene fled, leading officers on northbound Interstate 77 from Exit 28 to Exit 33. Greene then exited the interstate and continued north on Highway 21 until he struck a patrol car while making a U-turn.

Greene then fled south, again on Interstate 77, before crossing the median at mile marker 24 and heading northbound again. Greene then exited the interstate and fled south on Highway 21 before crossing the centerline and crashing into two oncoming vehicles. Six people, including Greene, were injured in the crash. All are expected to survive. Police said Greene will be facing additional charges when he is released from the hospital.

The Greene and Arrington cases appear to illustrate a simple truth: you can run from the law, but you won’t get away.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”


If you or someone you know is facing a criminal matter, it can be confusing to know how best to move forward. Though you might have a vague idea of how the criminal justice system functions, there are likely all kinds of issues that you have questions about. Bail is a good example of an issue that most people have heard of, but may not fully understand. To find out more about how bail works in a North Carolina case, keep reading.


Question Mark Charlotte Mecklenburg DWI Lawyer North Carolina Criminal AttorneyWhat is bail?


First things first, what is bail? Bail is a system that allows criminal defendants to be released from jail in exchange for money that the court holds onto until the case is over. The money is held as a kind of guarantee that the person will not run off. If you flee, then the money you paid is forfeited and you will face additional charges when you are eventually caught.


How does it work?


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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”


If you have been arrested for a crime in North Carolina, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, you are likely confused about how to move forward. You may wonder if it is best to simply represent yourself, perhaps saving both time and money by handling the case on your own. For more information about the benefits of hiring a criminal defense attorney, keep reading.


Man staring Charlotte Mecklenburg North Carolina Criminal Defense Lawyer North Carolina AttorneyExperience


One of the most important reasons that hiring a North Carolina criminal defense lawyer can be such a good idea is the lawyer has seen the inside of courtrooms so often that he or she knows what to expect. Not only do experienced lawyers have relationships with judges, but they also usually good relationships with prosecutors and are able to effectively work together while handling your case. This kind of built-in knowledge is invaluable when facing the prospect of serious criminal penalties.


Knowledge of the law


A reason that many people choose to hire a lawyer to handle their case is they are quickly overwhelmed by North Carolina criminal codes. The sheer volume of laws and regulations, let alone court procedures, scare most people away from handling their own cases. We recently wrote an article about the overwhelming number of laws that North Carolina has and how their scope is viewed by some as a restriction of basic freedom.  Criminal defense lawyers tackle seemingly complex laws on a daily basis and spent years in school preparing to handle cases just like yours.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”


It’s pretty rare to hear about a police department dedicating resources to tracking down a person for stealing diapers. However, authorities in North Carolina say they are eagerly searching for the person who they say stole 13,000 diapers from the Diaper Bank of North Carolina earlier this month.


Stack of diapers Charlotte Theft Lawyer North Carolina Criminal Defense AttorneyThe nonprofit organization, based in Durham, provides diapers to needy families with young children. The founder of the organization says she went into the office on a Monday morning to pick up an order for a nearby homeless shelter when she noticed diapers strewn across the floor and many others missing.


Upon closer inspection, the director found that specific sizes of diapers were missing in large numbers. Apparently, diapers in sizes 4 and 5 are among the most popular because babies are often able to remain in those sizes for up to a year. As a result, they are in high demand from families and tough to keep in stock.


Beyond the theft of diapers from the homeless shelter, the director said that the thieves also knew to target a reserve room that holds extra diapers, something that no one outside immediate employees should ever have known about.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”


The case of a North Carolina bank robber is set to get national attention over the coming months after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the matter. The case involved Larry Whitfield, a 26-year-old who is currently in prison and not scheduled to be released until 2022.


Supreme Court Pillar Charlotte Robbery Defense Lawyer North Carolina Criminal AttorneyThe issue in the case concerns something that judges have long argued about and for which a clear rule still does not exist. Though everyone understands that bank robbery is a crime, many may not realize that anyone robbing a bank that is found to have forcibly moved another person, either during the crime or while fleeing, faces even stiffer penalties.


Standard bank robberies involve a possible punishment of up to 20 years, though there is no mandatory minimum, meaning that judges are empowered to reduce the sentences of those they feel are deserving. However, anyone who has been found to violate the forced-movement law faces an additional 10-year mandatory sentence and possibly even life behind bars.


The question that the Supreme Court must now wrestle with is how much movement is necessary to prompt a violation of the forced-movement law. In this case, Whitfield and a partner armed themselves with weapons and intended to rob a credit union in Gastonia, NC. A tough security system prompted them to flee the scene, ultimately seeking refuge in the home of a nearby woman.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”


The North Carolina Senate recently passed a confusing and, to some, troubling measure that would make it a crime for anyone to publicly reveal the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. According to supporters, the measure, which passed the Senate by a vote of 35-12, is an attempt to protect trade secrets of the oil and gas industry. Critics say that the law represents an attempt to deny the public crucial information concerning the substances being pumped into the ground.


Oil Barrels Charlotte Criminal Defense Attorney North Carolina Felony LawyerThe measure was proposed by three Republican senators who say the law is needed to protect vital secrets regarding how the oil companies are able to extract oil from below the earth’s surface. Experts say fracking happens when water, chemicals and sand are blasted deep into the earth, eventually setting free large deposits of oil and natural gas.


The trouble is that some environmental groups claim that these chemicals can be deadly and can leech into the groundwater supply, potentially posing health risks to those that live in the area. As a result, many have campaigned for the oil companies to reveal the exact composition of the fluids being blasted into the earth, something the recent North Carolina law is aimed to prevent.


As the current bill is written, a geologist working for the state would be the sole keeper of the information regarding the contents of the fracking fluid. That information would be kept secure and only released to healthcare providers, public safety officials and fire chiefs, and only in the event of an emergency.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?”


Law enforcement officials across the State of North Carolina have agreed to join forces yet again to combat drunk driving. This year marks the fourth anniversary of State Highway Patrol officers working in conjunction with the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Alcohol Law Enforcement division to bust impaired drivers.


empty bottle Charlotte DUI Attorney North Carolina DWI LawyerThe law enforcement groups will work together to crack down on drivers as well as boaters, a campaign dubbed “On the Road, On the Water, Don’t Drink and Drive.” The groups say that alcohol is responsible for hundreds of accidents, both on land and on water, and that the joint collaboration between the agencies can help lead to greater success.


In North Carolina, the law says that it is illegal for a driver in a motor vehicle to drink while operating the vehicle. Additionally, anyone found to be operating a motor vehicle with a BAC greater than 0.08 percent faces drunk driving charges. The law differs slightly with regard to boaters, given that boaters are allowed to consume alcohol while operating their boats. However, boaters are held to a similar standard of intoxication and can be charged with Boating while intoxicated, or BWI if found to have a BAC greater than 0.08 percent.


The agencies say they will work together between Memorial Day and Labor Day, a traditionally busy time for drunk driving arrests. Checkpoints will be put in place across the state, both on land and on water, to ensure that drivers out for a good time are not legally impaired.

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Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”


When you think of criminal laws some might appear obvious, prohibitions against murder, physical violence, drug use, thefts, etc. Though the list goes on and on, many might be surprised just how far the list actually goes. A recent article discussed the stunning number of criminal laws in North Carolina and concluded that the number of codes can actually be used as a weapon against residents of the state, allowing police to charge almost anyone with some kind of criminal violation.


keyboard closeup Charlotte DUI Lawyer North Carolina Defense AttorneyExperts say that there are currently more than 1,150 individual criminal codes in North Carolina. These include criminal statutes, motor vehicle rules, codes, and other regulations that have the power to be criminally enforced. A paper by the Manhattan Institute found that this criminalization is excessive and needs to be reformed, worrying that the array of criminal regulations restricts freedom.


Interestingly, legislators in some states have begun to realize that continuing to add crimes to the already lengthy list does little to protect the lives or property of residents. Instead, a patchwork of criminal regulations develops leading to confusion among both citizens and law enforcement officials about what kind of behavior deserves criminal prosecution. Legislators in Tennessee and Virginia have specifically taken to the task of removing outdated or unnecessary crimes from their books, hoping to free up courts and ease the already heavy strain on the judicial system.


North Carolina has taken a radically different approach, adding laws rather than subtracting. Between 2008 and 2013, North Carolina actually averaged more than 34 new criminal offenses to the books each and every year. Though some have pointed out that as recently as 2013, legislators downgraded 21 low-level misdemeanors, the truth is that many more crimes were upgraded than were downgraded during that round of reform.

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