Articles Tagged with arrest and charges

2What is Resisting Arrest?

When you are arrested for a crime in North Carolina, you could face additional charges for resisting. Resisting arrest occurs when you take evasive actions that are against the directions of a law officer. Resisting arrest takes various forms and is usually charged in conjunction with another crime or crime, which was the original charge. If you are charged with resisting arrest, you need to take it seriously because you will face penalties if convicted. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help defend these charges as well as the original charges.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”

The criminal court process can be difficult to understand. If you have never been charged with a crime, or even if you have, it can be difficult to determine what the next step should be. However, if you are facing a criminal charge in North Carolina, it is important to know what to expect and the steps that will occur throughout the case. There are two types of criminal charges in North Carolina — misdemeanor and felony charges. Each charge has a different process through the North Carolina criminal court system.

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