Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”
A middle school principal from North Carolina has been arrested and faces charges of sexually assaulting a young male student while his parents waited outside the principal’s office. The shocking case of David Ellis Edwards has made national headlines after his arrest last Friday in Fayetteville.
Police say Edwards faces charges of second-degree forcible sex, sexual acts with a student, taking indecent liberties with a minor and crimes against nature. The charges relate to incidents that occurred between 2009 and 2011 when Edwards is accused of molesting at least three boys between the ages of 11 and 14. One of the cases involved a middle schooler who was allegedly attacked while his parent sat just outside the door in the waiting area.
Police say Edwards immediately resigned his position at Douglas Byrd Middle School following the arrest. Before taking his position at Douglas Byrd he was principle of Ramsey Street Alternative School. Police say they believe that sexual assaults took place at both schools. Police officials also say that they believe there were more than the three victims and that interviews with other male students are continuing in the hopes of bringing other victims to light.
If a person is convicted of a sexual offense, the reality is that he or she will have to register as a sex offender for at least 10 years, possibly even for life. This means local schools and day care facilities will be informed of your presence when you move into a neighborhood and you will have to contend with a variety of other restrictions. Neighbors will be also able to see your name and your picture. This stigma can impact not only where you are allowed to live but also what kind of job you can get.