Changes to DUI Hardship License Eligibility

If you have been convicted of DUI, you know that it can have a profound negative impact on your life. One of the biggest problem areas is the loss of your driver’s license for a period of time. Without a license you will have difficulty getting to and from work or school, which will seriously affect your ability to make a living and to have financial stability. Changes to the laws effective in 2025 are designed to make it easier to obtain a hardship driver’s license after a DUI.

What is a Hardship License?

Blogs-1024x1024Signs of Intoxicated Drivers: Tips for Road Safety During the Holidays

Many of us drive to and from holiday parties during the holiday season and are busy running errands. Unfortunately, during the holiday season, drunk driving can put other drivers at risk of being injured in a car accident. Drivers may drink too much alcohol at a party or work event and decide to drive anyway, putting everyone else on the road in danger. Understanding the signs of intoxicated drivers can help you protect yourself on North Carolina roads this holiday season.

  • Erratic Lane Changes

Driver-1024x1024Safe Driver Incentive Plan Explained

Safe driving results in fewer accidents and that means fewer injuries and fatalities on our roadways. Drivers face getting points on their driver’s licenses when they violate traffic laws, but many people are not aware of the impact that accidents and traffic tickets have on insurance rates. The Safe Driver Incentive Plan (SDIP) is a program that was established by law. The more points you accumulate, the more your insurance rates will rise. If you do not have any traffic violations or accidents, your insurance rates will not be impacted.

How SDIP Works

Loiter-1024x1024Loitering Charges in North Carolina

When someone stays in a public space for too long without any reason, they may be accused of loitering. Generally, when someone is loitering, the police will ask them to leave. When a person remains in an area that does not allow loitering, they could be charged with a crime. It is most often charged in areas of high crime rates, where gang activity happens, or places where drug transactions are known to occur. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will help you protect your rights and resolve the matter.

What is Loitering?

Gun-1024x1024Firearms Laws and Gun Owner Rights in North Carolina

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides citizens with the right to keep and bear arms. This means that generally, adults are allowed to purchase and possess firearms as protection. Each state has various laws that pertain to the sale and ownership of guns, along with federal laws that pertain to all those who live in the United States. It is helpful for gun owners to understand the laws that apply to firearms ownership in North Carolina.

North Carolina Gun Laws

Blogs-1024x1024Driver Improvement Clinics

All drivers are required to obey the law when they are operating a motor vehicle. There are dozens of laws that are designed to promote safety and prevent accidents and injuries on the roadways. Drivers who fail to obey traffic laws may receive violations with penalties that may include fines and points assessed on their driving records. When points accumulate, a driver may lose driving privileges for a period of time. In some cases, a driver may be eligible for a driver improvement clinic.

What are Driver Improvement Clinics?

Property-1024x1024What Happens to My Property if I Go to Jail?

One of the serious punishments that may happen to you if you are convicted of a crime is spending time in jail. When you are incarcerated, you will no longer have the freedoms you previously enjoyed, and you no longer have access to your property. Many people wonder what will happen to their property if they have to spend time in jail.

Property on Your Person

Credit-1024x1024Fighting Credit Card Fraud Charges

Misuse of credit cards may result in criminal charges. Credit card fraud may be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the factors of the alleged crime. Any type of criminal charges are serious. If you have been accused or charged with credit card fraud, you will want to vigorously defend yourself against the charges. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will help guide you through the legal process and help you defend the charges.

What is Credit Card Fraud?

Booze-1024x1024North Carolina Booze it and Lose it Campaign

Drinking and driving is the cause of many accidents with injuries and fatalities. North Carolina has put a statewide “Booze It and Lose It” campaign in place to combat potential drunk driving. The campaign is in place this year, and extra efforts are being put in place for holiday periods. The program puts more law enforcement in place during times of possible increased drinking and driving. As a result of increased police efforts, there may be an increase in drivers who have been charged with DUI. An experienced criminal defense attorney will assist you in defending DUI charges in North Carolina.

Booze it and Lose it

Crimsent-1024x1024What are Mitigating Factors in Criminal Sentencing?

After a person has been found guilty or pleads guilty to a crime, the next step is sentencing. The law generally provides guidelines that the judge will use as a starting point for the sentence. Punishment often includes a combination of jail time, fines, probation, community service, and more. The judge will use mitigating factors to determine whether the defendant should receive a lighter punishment. Your attorney will present mitigating factors to the court to try to ensure that you receive an appropriate sentence.

Definition of Mitigating Factors

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