Articles Posted in Guns/Firearms are the Concealed Carry Laws in North Carolina?

People in North Carolina are allowed to carry a firearm. Concealed carry is a term that applies to carrying a firearm in a way that is not visible to an ordinary observer. Concealment can be made in a number of ways. When on your person, a gun that is tucked into a waistband and under a shirt is considered concealed because it is not readily seen by others. The same holds true for carrying a gun in your pocket.

Gun-1024x1024Firearms Laws and Gun Owner Rights in North Carolina

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides citizens with the right to keep and bear arms. This means that generally, adults are allowed to purchase and possess firearms as protection. Each state has various laws that pertain to the sale and ownership of guns, along with federal laws that pertain to all those who live in the United States. It is helpful for gun owners to understand the laws that apply to firearms ownership in North Carolina.

North Carolina Gun Laws

2-1-1024x1024Can I Travel on an Airplane With a Firearm?

Many citizens in North Carolina own at least one firearm. According to a report, about 46% of households in North Carolina had at least one gun. The number could be even higher. Often, people keep firearms for protection or for hunting. If you plan to travel, you may want to bring your firearm along with you. It is important to know the laws that apply to bringing firearms and other weapons to the airport and how to pack them properly for legal travel.

Can I Carry a Firearm at the Airport?

3What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen

When you own a firearm, it is important to be responsible. When you find that your gun is lost or stolen, you need to take steps to recover it and protect yourself against potential criminal liability. If someone else uses your gun in the commission of a crime, it could cause you to get into trouble with law enforcement. It is important to understand how to prevent your gun from being stolen or used without your permission and what to do if your firearm goes missing.

Gun Registration

3-2Gun Permits No Longer Required in North Carolina

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms. Many federal, state, and local laws are in place to govern gun ownership across the country. Recent legislation has removed the requirement for gun permits in North Carolina. This means that residents may purchase and own a handgun without having to obtain a permit from the local sheriff. This is a change to a permit requirement that was previously in place. The change takes effect immediately.

Handgun Permit Repeal

8-1Can I Carry a Gun in My Car?

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides all citizens with the right to bear arms. North Carolina has a gun ownership rate of 45.8%, which means that almost half the adults in the state own firearms. While it is your right to own a firearm, firearm owners must follow the law. Responsible gun owners need to know the laws to ensure that they are not charged with a gun crime. There are various laws in place that pertain to gun ownership in North Carolina.

Gun Ownership Laws

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”

The U.S. Constitution and amendments provide citizens with the right to bear arms. Although you generally have the right to own a gun, there are many federal and state laws that govern gun ownership. You must abide by these laws or you could face charges or have your gun taken away. A person could face gun charges alone or associated with another crime. For instance, someone might be charged with using a weapon while committing a crime. Gun charges may be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the specific circumstances. If you are charged with a gun crime it is advisable to seek legal guidance from a criminal defense attorney.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?”

For millions of American citizens, owning a concealed carry weapon provides a measure of unparalleled security. However, if an individual is charged with a criminal offense and is found to be in possession of a concealed carry weapon that is not properly permitted, it can create a challenge to that person’s criminal defense team. Read on for what North Carolina residents should know about concealed carry weapons and criminal defense in their state.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “The person that called the police doesn’t want to press charges, can I still be prosecuted?”

A violent incident can happen in a second. When a confrontation occurs, it can result in one or the other party suffering severe injuries or death. Recently, the defendants in several high profile cases have asserted self defense claims in court. Self defense is a defense that asserts that you acted in response to something that could have caused you severe injury or death. Your act therefore was a way to prevent yourself from being killed. If you are accused of a serious crime, it is critical to talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”

For millions of Americans, the right to own and operate a firearm, as established under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, is not something to be taken lightly. That is why, as any experienced criminal defense attorney could point out, there are over 18 million concealed weapon permits issued in the United States.

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