Articles Posted in Charlotte Crime

BlogsInsta-1Restoring Your Driver’s License in North Carolina

Driving is an essential part of life. Without a driver’s license it is difficult to get to work, to school, go shopping, and take care of all your typical daily needs. Unfortunately, there are some circumstances that could result in a suspension of your driving privileges. When that happens, you will want to know how to restore your license. There are various reasons why your license was suspended. An experienced Charlotte attorney will help you restore your driver’s license in North Carolina.

Suspension For Failure to Appear

Crimsent-1024x1024What are Mitigating Factors in Criminal Sentencing?

After a person has been found guilty or pleads guilty to a crime, the next step is sentencing. The law generally provides guidelines that the judge will use as a starting point for the sentence. Punishment often includes a combination of jail time, fines, probation, community service, and more. The judge will use mitigating factors to determine whether the defendant should receive a lighter punishment. Your attorney will present mitigating factors to the court to try to ensure that you receive an appropriate sentence.

Definition of Mitigating Factors

Order-1024x1024Restraining Orders

A restraining order is a legal order that prohibits an individual from having contact with someone else. A restraining order may also be called a protective order or a no-contact order. A protective order may be temporary or permanent. Once in place, a violation of a protective order can result in criminal charges. It is helpful to understand restraining orders and learn how to defend yourself if you are facing a restraining order. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will assist you through the process.

3-1024x1024What are Violent Crimes in North Carolina?

Being charged with a crime can be frightening, but if you are charged with a violent crime, it can make the situation even more difficult. Violent crimes are generally more serious than other crimes, and if convicted, the sentences are usually severe. It is essential to defend your criminal charges with help from a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. It is helpful to understand which crimes are considered violent in North Carolina.

Violent Crimes in North Carolina

4-1024x1024Marijuana Possession Charges in North Carolina

Marijuana use is becoming more accepted across the country. Some states have decriminalized marijuana in some circumstances. Marijuana is a controlled substance, and possession is still a federal crime and a crime in the state of North Carolina. Generally, simple possession of a small amount of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor. If found guilty of a larger amount of marijuana, you may be charged with a felony.

If you are found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony, you may face penalties that include fines, probation, jail time, and more. A criminal record could limit your ability to get a job, seek housing, or even get into college. If you have been charged with drug possession, you will want to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Plate-300x300New License Plate Reader Program Takes Effect in 2024

More and more police departments are using automated license plate readers to assist them with law enforcement. There has been controversy surrounding the use of these devices and concern about what law enforcement does with the data. In Charlotte, for instance, the law requires police to purge data after 18 months. In Raleigh, police have to purge data after six months, as long as it is not being used as part of an investigation. A new law in effect allows for the addition of more license plate readers in 2024.

What are Automated License Plate Readers?

5Is Speeding a Traffic Offense or a Crime?

If you get pulled over for speeding, you may think that you will simply get a warning or, at worst, a traffic citation. A traffic ticket will cause you to pay a fine, and you will also accumulate points on your license. Your insurance rate could go up after you get a traffic ticket. While a traffic citation will not make you happy, there are actually some circumstances in which speeding is considered a crime.

Speeding Violations in North Carolina

6What is the Kia Challenge?

Social media is a daily way of life for most people. People of all ages use social media on a regular basis. Some social media sites are more popular than others. Among people in their teens and twenties, TikTok is likely one of the most common sources of information online. There are many different challenges online. Some are designed to get donations for good causes, while others are for fun. Some challenges are dangerous and even illegal. The Kia challenge is one that is both dangerous and illegal. It challenges someone to steal a car.

Kia Challenge

2Five Ways to Help Win Your Criminal Case

Having criminal charges filed against you can create one of the most stressful situations of your life. Whether you are charged with a serious felony or a minor misdemeanor, the consequences could be serious. If you are found guilty of a crime, you could face penalties that might include fines, community service, jail time, and more. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help you resolve the situation in the best way possible. There are some things you can do to assist your attorney through the process.

Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent

8Robbery Vs. Burglary: What is the Difference?

Theft is a common crime in North Carolina and across the country. Theft is the taking of property that does not belong to you. A person may be charged with theft if they are accused of stealing items from a store, taking a car, or grabbing a purse. There are various types of theft charges and depending on the severity, the charge could be either a misdemeanor or a felony. While most people use the terms “robbery” and “burglary” interchangeably, they are different crimes and one is more serious than the other. If you are charged with theft, you will want to vigorously defend the charges with help from a North Carolina criminal defense attorney.

Definition of Robbery

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