Crime is generally categorized into white-collar and blue-collar. White-collar crimes are non-violent and include such things as embezzlement, health care fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and similar crimes. Blue-collar crime, although not a legal term, usually refers to any crimes other than white-collar crimes and may have a distinct victim and could be violent. Blue-collar crimes are more common, often because they are easier to see and prosecute.
Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious offense in North Carolina. The legal limit for driving is 0.08% BAC. DWI also applies to other types of impairment, such as from alcohol or drugs. If you refuse to take a DWI test, you could have your driver’s license suspended as a separate charge. If you are convicted of DWI, you will likely face a suspension of driving privileges, fines, and community service. If you have a prior DWI conviction, the penalties increase.
Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”
Drug Crimes
Drug crimes are among the most common types of blue-collar crimes in North Carolina. Drug crimes include the possession, manufacture, or distribution of drugs. Drug crimes may be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on factors such as the type of substance and the amount, among others. Penalties for drug crimes could include a prison sentence.
Theft Offenses
Theft is also called larceny in North Carolina. Larceny is the taking of property without the consent of the property owner. It also includes receipt of stolen property and possession of stolen property. Larceny charges may be either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the value of the stolen property. Shoplifting is one common form of larceny.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes include assault and battery, homicide, rape, and more. When a weapon is utilized in the commission of a crime, it may be considered violent. For example, the use of violence during a crime could make it a more serious offense. Violent crimes generally have more serious penalties that often include a jail sentence.
Sex Offenses
Sex offenses are crimes that have a sexual component. Sex offenses include rape, molestation, lewd behavior, sexual assault, and others. Sex offenses have severe consequences if you are found guilty. In addition to the sentence, you will also have to register as a sex offender. This could limit your ability to obtain employment, rent an apartment, and more.
Defending Blue-Collar Crimes
If you are charged with a crime, you will want to put forth a strong defense. If you are convicted of a serious crime, you could end up having to spend time in prison, having to pay fines, and spending time on probation. In addition, a criminal conviction will be on your record, and it could prevent you from obtaining a good job, getting an apartment, or even attending college. It is usually best to seek legal guidance from an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
If you are facing criminal charges, we can help. Contact us at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, at (704) 370-2828 to discuss your case today.
The criminal defense attorneys at Arnold & Smith, PLLC make it their mission to zealously defend their clients on a wide range of criminal matters at both the state and federal levels. These matters may include any charge from traffic offenses; DWI/DUI; drug charges (from simple possession to possession with intent to distribute and trafficking); gun permit denials; weapons offenses; and property crimes (larceny, breaking and entering, robbery, fraud, embezzlement, white collar offenses); to sexually related offenses (indecent exposure; sexual assault, crimes against nature, removal from sex offender registry); and violent crimes (domestic violence; assault; manslaughter; homicide, murder). Other legal issues that Arnold & Smith, PLLC criminal clients may face include restraining orders, restraining order and probation violations, expungements; appeals; and immigration issues related to criminal charges. Our criminal defense attorneys are passionate about ensuring that individuals empower themselves by being informed about their constitutional rights and stand at the ready to fight in defense of those facing criminal charges.
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