
Articles Posted in misdemeanor


Defending Manslaughter Charges

Defending Manslaughter Charges Manslaughter is the killing of another person without forethought or malice. It differs from the charge of murder in that murder is the killing of another person with intent. There are several types of manslaughter charges that might apply. Although manslaughter is generally a felony, the penalties…


Fighting Vandalism Charges in North Carolina

Fighting Vandalism Charges in North Carolina Vandalism is one of the most common charges in North Carolina and elsewhere. Vandalism happens when someone causes damage or destroys property that belongs to someone else. Most often, vandalism is a misdemeanor; however, there may be some instances when it is a felony.…


What are the Consequences of a Felony Conviction in North Carolina?

What are the Consequences of a Felony Conviction in North Carolina? A felony conviction will result in a variety of punishments that may include a jail sentence, fines, probation, and community service, among other things. Besides the legal consequences involved, a person convicted of a felony will also suffer consequences…


Can I Travel on an Airplane With a Firearm?

Can I Travel on an Airplane With a Firearm? Many citizens in North Carolina own at least one firearm. According to a report, about 46% of households in North Carolina had at least one gun. The number could be even higher. Often, people keep firearms for protection or for hunting.…


Habitual Felons in North Carolina

Habitual Felons in North Carolina Felonies are usually serious charges that can result in severe penalties if convicted. The penalties are designed to deter people from committing crimes in the future. Sometimes, a convicted felon commits another crime. Most states have laws in place that require stiffer penalties when someone…


What is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and Felony?

What is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and Felony? When you are charged with a crime it may be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Regardless, any criminal charges against you are serious and could result in severe consequences. Some penalties could include a prison sentence, fines, probation,…


Gun Permits No Longer Required in North Carolina

Gun Permits No Longer Required in North Carolina The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms. Many federal, state, and local laws are in place to govern gun ownership across the country. Recent legislation has removed the requirement for gun permits in North Carolina.…


Is Zooming While Driving Illegal in North Carolina?

Is Zooming While Driving Illegal in North Carolina? The pandemic changed the way people work. Working from home became popular and even after the pandemic, many employees still telecommute, at least for part of their workweek. Remote meetings gained in popularity and are still a common way to conduct business.…


What is the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission?

What is the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission? If you were wrongfully convicted of a crime in North Carolina, there is something you can do about it. Besides filing an appeal, your case might qualify for review by the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission. The Commission has the legal authority…


April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month Car manufacturers have been steadily improving the safety of vehicles over the years. As a result, cars are safer than ever before. Unfortunately, accidents are still occurring at a rising rate. One of the reasons for an increase in accidents is distracted driving.…

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