
Articles Posted in Fort Mill


Do I Need an Attorney for a First DWI Charge?

Do I Need an Attorney for a First DWI Charge? In North Carolina, the legal limit for a driver age 21 or older is 0.08% BAC. A driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more is considered impaired. If you are stopped by police and the officer thinks…


What is the Pretrial Integrity Act?

  What is the Pretrial Integrity Act? After you are arrested, you will go before a judge. When you are in court, you will learn the charges against you, and the judge will typically set bond. Bond means that the defendant will be allowed to stay out of jail but…


Habitual Felons in North Carolina

Habitual Felons in North Carolina Felonies are usually serious charges that can result in severe penalties if convicted. The penalties are designed to deter people from committing crimes in the future. Sometimes, a convicted felon commits another crime. Most states have laws in place that require stiffer penalties when someone…


Speeding Violations in North Carolina

Speeding Violations in North Carolina Most people have received a ticket for speeding at some point in time. Speeding is one of the most common traffic offenses. If you receive a ticket for speeding, you may wonder what it means to your driving record and whether the offense is considered…


What Should I Do After an Arrest?

What Should I Do After an Arrest? If you were arrested for a crime, you may be worried and afraid, especially if this is your first arrest. The legal system can seem daunting, and you may feel completely alone and terrified. You do not want to do anything that could…


How Can I Successfully Defend Against Assault Charges in North Carolina?

How Can I Successfully Defend Against Assault Charges in North Carolina? Assault is a common crime that may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances. Assault generally means attempting to physically harm another person, and it may be charged even if you did not touch…


What are the Potential Penalties for DWI in North Carolina?

What are the Potential Penalties for DWI in North Carolina? Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious offense and one that comes with severe penalties if convicted. According to the North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission, DWI sentencing is back to normal, pre-pandemic operations. In 2022, North Carolina courts…


New Legislation Requires In-Vehicle Breathalyzers by 2026

New Legislation Requires In-Vehicle Breathalyzers by 2026 Impaired driving is an ongoing problem in every state. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately a million drunk driving arrests in the United States every year. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in North Carolina is…


New License Plate Reader Program Takes Effect in 2024

New License Plate Reader Program Takes Effect in 2024 More and more police departments are using automated license plate readers to assist them with law enforcement. There has been controversy surrounding the use of these devices and concern about what law enforcement does with the data. In Charlotte, for instance,…


New Drug Trafficking Penalties in Effect in North Carolina

New Drug Trafficking Penalties in Effect in North Carolina Drug charges are serious, and penalties may be severe if you are found guilty. The law makes some drug crimes more dangerous, and therefore, they come with stronger penalties. Drug possession is generally a much less severe crime than possession with…

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