How Can I Get an Expungement in North Carolina? Having a criminal record can wreak havoc on all aspects of your life. When you are convicted of a crime, whether a misdemeanor or felony, you will have a criminal record that will remain forever. Your record will also show that…
Articles Posted in federal cases
Understanding the Castle Doctrine (Stand Your Ground)
Understanding the Castle Doctrine (Stand Your Ground) You are sitting on your back patio when you suddenly see someone you do not know making their way onto your property. The stranger is getting closer and is heading towards your side door with the possible intent of breaking inside. Do you…
What Criminal Diversion Programs are Available in North Carolina?
What Criminal Diversion Programs are Available in North Carolina? If you are charged with a crime, you know that you are likely facing a difficult legal process that could result in a conviction. If convicted, you may face penalties that could include fines, probation, and a prison sentence. North Carolina…
What are the Differences Between State and Federal Criminal Charges?
What are the Differences Between State and Federal Criminal Charges? There are many laws in place that include both state and federal charges. Most of the crimes that people commit are state laws, while some crimes are federal. When someone is arrested, the court will determine whether they are accused…
What are the Consequences of a Felony Conviction in North Carolina?
What are the Consequences of a Felony Conviction in North Carolina? A felony conviction will result in a variety of punishments that may include a jail sentence, fines, probation, and community service, among other things. Besides the legal consequences involved, a person convicted of a felony will also suffer consequences…
Is it Legal to Possess Marijuana in North Carolina?
Is it Legal to Possess Marijuana in North Carolina? Marijuana has been considered an illegal drug for years. Possessing, selling, or distributing marijuana is a criminal offense, and if convicted, you could face a sentence that might include fines, community service, confinement, and more. Many states have loosened the laws…
What is the Difference Between Physical and Constructive Drug Possession?
What is the Difference Between Physical and Constructive Drug Possession? Drug possession charges can be serious. If you have been arrested on drug charges you could be facing some severe consequences, depending on the circumstances. If you are in possession of enough quantity of a substance, you could even be…
What is the Pretrial Integrity Act?
What is the Pretrial Integrity Act? After you are arrested, you will go before a judge. When you are in court, you will learn the charges against you, and the judge will typically set bond. Bond means that the defendant will be allowed to stay out of jail but…
Habitual Felons in North Carolina
Habitual Felons in North Carolina Felonies are usually serious charges that can result in severe penalties if convicted. The penalties are designed to deter people from committing crimes in the future. Sometimes, a convicted felon commits another crime. Most states have laws in place that require stiffer penalties when someone…
What Should I Do After an Arrest?
What Should I Do After an Arrest? If you were arrested for a crime, you may be worried and afraid, especially if this is your first arrest. The legal system can seem daunting, and you may feel completely alone and terrified. You do not want to do anything that could…