
Articles Posted in Attorney


North Carolina Teen Jailed After Serving Collard Greens With A Dash Of Insecticide

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Do I need to hire an attorney if I have been falsely accused?”   Police in Fayetteville, NC say that one family dealt with an especially unpleasant Easter surprise, a surprise that resulted in criminal charges for one 17-year-old. Authorities say that rather…


North Carolina Man Charged For Deadly DUI

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What should I do if I have been pulled over and I have been drinking?”   A man from Gaston County, NC was arrested this week and now stands accused of drunk driving in an accident that took place earlier this year and…


Cockfighting Match Leads To Dozens Of Arrests

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “A past conviction is keeping me from finding work what can I do?”   Law enforcement officials in South Carolina announced a major raid on a huge cockfighting ring in McBee, SC this past weekend. The cockfight attracted dozens of people to the…


Bathroom Bandits Strike Charlotte Bojangles

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “The person that called the police doesn’t want to press charges.”   Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officers say that in all their years investigating area crimes they have never encountered a bathroom holdup. This week marks a first for the department as it was revealed…


North Carolina Woman Charged With Reckless Driving After Ending Up In A Creek

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “I was found not guilty of a charge, but my record still shows the charge.”   North Carolina State Highway Patrol officers have charged a woman after her car ended up in a ditch in Onslow County earlier this week. In that case,…


Television Theft Takes Years To Uncover

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “The person that called the police doesn’t want to press charges.”   Usually, you’d expect that if someone had $500,000 worth of electronics stolen from them they’d notice pretty quickly, right? However, recent reports issued by the Democratic National Convention Committee and LG…


North Carolina Man Arrested After Drunk Driving Stop Turns Violent

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What happens if I am convicted of a DUI or DWI in North Carolina?”   One drunk driver from Lincoln County, North Carolina is facing some serious criminal charges this week after police say he dragged an officer nearly 40 feet and later…


North Carolina Bank Robber On the Loose

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”   Police say that a man with a thick Boston accent robbed a bank in Lincolnton, North Carolina this week before fleeing the scene of the robbery in a stolen car.…


Underage Drinkers In North Carolina Face Stiff Penalties

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What happens if I am convicted of a DUI or DWI in North Carolina?”   In light of pop star Justin Bieber’s recent arrest for drunk driving in Miami, many have begun paying closer attention to local laws concerning underage drinking and driving.…


What’s the best/worst case scenario for those arrested for drunk driving in North Carolina?

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “How can an attorney help me with my DWI?”   Those busted for drunk driving in North Carolina understandably have a million questions following the arrest. Some common examples include how much will the arrest end up costing, is jail time possible and…

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