
Articles Posted in Attorney


Do I Need a DWI Lawyer in North Carolina?

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “How can an attorney help me with my DWI?”   DWI, driving while impaired, is a charge that you should take seriously. Law enforcement will not turn a blind eye to someone who is driving while under the influence. A police officer…


What are Misdemeanors in North Carolina?

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”   When you are charged with a crime, it is important to understand the severity of the charges and potential penalties. There are two main classifications of crimes including misdemeanors and felonies.…


Understanding Dispositional Ranges in North Carolina Criminal Court Cases

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”   Imagine a scenario in which two individuals in North Carolina commit the same exact felony crime. Should their charges and sentencing be equal? While many people may instinctively answer “Yes,” the…


Classes of Felonies in North Carolina

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”   In states all across America, average residents in need of legal advice must be able to trust the information and resources of professionals such as criminal defense attorneys. In today’s digital…


Concealed Carry Eligibility in North Carolina: What Residents Should Know

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”   For millions of Americans, the right to own and operate a firearm, as established under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, is not something to be taken…


Marijuana Laws in North Carolina: A Resource for Residents

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Is there more than one way for police to charge a person with DWI?”   Ask any American who was alive a generation ago or longer, and they will confirm what is apparent: The United States’ stances on marijuana possession and use…


Gun Control Laws in North Carolina

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”   The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states that citizens have the right to bear arms. While the right to purchase and own guns is a federal right and one…


Criminal Trespass Laws in North Carolina

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Do I need to hire an attorney if I have been falsely accused?”   One of the quintessential components of the American dream is owning your own property. No matter how big or small that parcel of land may be, knowing it…


Driving While Intoxicated in North Carolina: What Residents Should Know

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What steps should I be taking outside legal guidance to help my DWI case?”   Every year, millions of Americans relax and unwind with an alcoholic beverage. Sometimes a person’s inhibitions will be lowered when they consume too much alcohol, to the…


Vandalism Charges: A Guide for North Carolina Residents

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”   All throughout the United States, citizens take pride in their property. From houses to cars and even monuments created and maintained via tax dollars, residents in states like…

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