
Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Blog


Louisiana Tries To Protect Cops With New Hate Crime Legislation

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Am I allowed to videotape an interaction with police? Can they make me stop filming?”   Hate crime legislation is designed to protect those who are victims of discrimination or violence perpetrated by others. The laws are written to provide this protection…


Your Fingerprints Can’t Plead the Fifth, Federal Court Says

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”   On this blog earlier in the year we talked about the FBI trying to force Apple to hack into the San Bernardino shooting suspect’s iPhone to help with the ongoing criminal investigation. Since…


U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision In Race-Based Jury Selection Case

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Am I allowed to videotape an interaction with police? Can they make me stop filming?”   An important decision in a Georgia death penalty case was finally revealed after the Supreme Court spent more than seven months debating the matter. The High…


Murder Victim’s Wife Receives Husband’s Gruesome Autopsy Photos in Mail

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”   If you’ve already been convicted of a crime but are sitting in jail awaiting sentencing, criminal defense lawyers will normally advise you to stay on your best behavior.…


President Obama Moves To “Ban the Box” For Federal Jobs

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I am charged by campus police could I still face jail time or probation?”   The “Ban the Box” movement appears to be picking up steam across the country as more and more states pass measures aimed at removing a hurdle…


Is Genuine Need Ever Justification For Committing Crime? In Italy, Maybe So

  Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “The person that called the police doesn’t want to press charges, can I still be prosecuted?”   A man in Italy found himself in the odd situation of having a conviction overturned not because he didn’t do the crime, but because…


Woman Beats DUI Charge Because Her Body is a Brewery

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Is there more than one way for police to charge a person with DWI?”   A New York woman with a 0.33 blood alcohol content recently beat a DUI charge based on an extremely unusual defense: a rare medical condition turns her…


NC Man Gets DWI Conviction Thrown Out: Appeals Court Rules Traffic Stop Was Illegal

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can the police search my car without a warrant?”   James Lee Johnson was indisputably impaired as he drove to his Hendersonville, North Carolina home one night in February of 2013. He blew a 0.13 on the blood alcohol test the police…


Board Recommends Parole for Charles Manson Disciple Leslie Van Houten

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What are the long term effects of being convicted of a crime?”   Manson Family member Leslie Van Houten was finally recommended for parole by a parole board panel this April after having been denied 19 times. The full California Board of…


Aluminum-Covered Bank Robbers Foiled by Security Cameras

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can I be arrested without evidence against me?”   A busted pair of bank robbers in Brazil had resorted to an interesting method of disguise for their attempted heist: the duo covered themselves head to toe in aluminum foil for their early-morning…

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