
Articles Posted in DUI/DWI


NTSB Proposes Radical Decrease In Legal Alcohol Limit :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?” A new push by the National Transportation Safety Board has some worried about a continuing decline in what amount of alcohol qualifies a driver as impaired. The NTSB recently released a recommendation that said all…


Supreme Court Issues Important Ruling Regarding Warrantless Blood Tests :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I talk to the police?” The Supreme Court handed down a major ruling last month in the Missouri v. McNeely case. The justices decided to reject the argument advocated by Missouri and the Obama administration that officers should never be required to…


Lengthy Mecklenburg County Jail Processing Times Leads To Dismissal Of Drunk Driving Charges :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?” In an interesting case involving drunk driving arrests, our very own Brad Smith has been in the news recently, arguing that police in Charlotte need to make some serious changes to the way they process…


Boston DUI Arrests Pale In Comparison To Numbers Out Of Charlotte :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I talk to the police?” A very interesting story appeared in the Boston Globe last week and compared the surprisingly few DUI arrests in that city to numbers from other similarly sized towns, including Charlotte. The results were surprising and revealed that…


Acid Reflux Basis For DUI Dismissal :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?” A Canadian man recently had his drunk driving charges dropped thanks to his acid reflux problems. The driver, Phil Coffey, from Ontario, was first pulled over in 2010 as part of a DUI enforcement campaign…


North Carolina Legislature Considers Changes to State Drunk Driving Laws :: Charlotte North Carolina DWI DUI Criminal Attorney Lawyer

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What should I do if I have been pulled over and I have been drinking?” With the 2013 legislative session in North Carolina well underway, lawmakers in the state are moving forward with several important changes to the criminal justice system that deserve…


Charlotte DWI Checkpoint Leads to 89 Charges

Attorney J. Bradley Smith answering the question: “What should I do if I have been pulled over and I have been drinking ?” Officers with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department worked with three other agencies Saturday night in a DWI checkpoint that resulted in almost 90 charges. Mecklenburg County ABC…


Delayed Release from Jail Causes Charlotte, NC Judge to Dismiss Drunk Driving Charges

Brad Smith, a partner here at Arnold & Smith, made the news recently when it was announced that prosecutors in Charlotte, NC decided to appeal a judge’s decision to throw out the drunk driving charges filed against Tim Newman. Neman’s case made headlines earlier this year when the former chief…


Mecklenburg County Sees Thousands of Arrests During “Booze It & Loose It” Campaign

News out of the North Carolina Department of Transportation indicates that the state’s two most populous counties placed first and second in terms of arrests and citations during the state’s massive “Booze It & Loose It” campaign which took place over the Labor Day holiday. The state’s Transportation Secretary, Gene…

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