
Articles Posted in DUI/DWI


What to Know About Preliminary Breath Tests in North Carolina

What to Know About Preliminary Breath Tests in North Carolina DUI, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, is a charge that is taken very seriously in North Carolina and elsewhere. When police suspect that a driver is intoxicated, they may want to perform tests to determine impairment. One…


What are the Penalties for DWI in North Carolina?

What are the Penalties for DWI in North Carolina? Driving while intoxicated, DWI, can result in criminal charges. In North Carolina, the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) for adults aged 21 and over is 0.08%. There is zero tolerance for alcohol consumption for those under the age of 21. If…


North Carolina Booze it and Lose it Campaign

North Carolina Booze it and Lose it Campaign Drinking and driving is the cause of many accidents with injuries and fatalities. North Carolina has put a statewide “Booze It and Lose It” campaign in place to combat potential drunk driving. The campaign is in place this year, and extra efforts…


How Many Drinks are Too Many to Drive?

How Many Drinks are Too Many to Drive? Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious offense. A driver who is convicted of DWI in North Carolina could face penalties that include suspension of driver’s license, jail time, fines, probation, community service, and a requirement to attend alcohol abuse education or…


What Happens If I Refuse to Take a DWI Test?

What Happens If I Refuse to Take a DWI Test? DWI can happen to almost anyone. You had a few drinks at dinner or have been out with friends and feel that you are not drunk. You get behind the wheel, and suddenly, you are stopped by the police. Although…


Five Things to Know About DWI in North Carolina

Five Things to Know About DWI in North Carolina Driving while impaired, DWI, is a serious offense and if you are convicted, you could face serious penalties. A DWI conviction can limit your ability to get a job or find an apartment and can increase your car insurance rates. If…


How Can I Beat DUI Charges in North Carolina?

How Can I Beat DUI Charges in North Carolina? DUI, driving under the influence, is a serious charge. In North Carolina, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher is considered an impairment for adult drivers of passenger vehicles. The limit for commercial vehicle drivers is 0.04%. If you…


Consequences of DUI in North Carolina

Consequences of DUI in North Carolina Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious charge and one that can have a negative impact on your future if you are convicted. In North Carolina, drivers aged 21 and over cannot drive with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher or…


Do I Need an Attorney for a First DWI Charge?

Do I Need an Attorney for a First DWI Charge? In North Carolina, the legal limit for a driver age 21 or older is 0.08% BAC. A driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more is considered impaired. If you are stopped by police and the officer thinks…


What are the Potential Penalties for DWI in North Carolina?

What are the Potential Penalties for DWI in North Carolina? Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious offense and one that comes with severe penalties if convicted. According to the North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission, DWI sentencing is back to normal, pre-pandemic operations. In 2022, North Carolina courts…

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