to Know About Preliminary Breath Tests in North Carolina

DUI, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, is a charge that is taken very seriously in North Carolina and elsewhere. When police suspect that a driver is intoxicated, they may want to perform tests to determine impairment. One of the most common tests is a breathalyzer or breath test. It is helpful to understand the breath test and the laws regarding DUI in North Carolina. Breath test results may lead to an arrest for DUI. There may be some options for defending these charges with help from an experienced Charlotte criminal defense attorney. Prosecution in North Carolina

Criminal charges are serious and if convicted of an offense you could face a severe sentence. Aside from the possible penalties, you will also have a criminal record, which could negatively impact your life for many years. You will want to vigorously defend the charges against you to seek the best possible outcome. In some cases, you may qualify for a deferred prosecution program. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help you seek deferred prosecution if it is possible for your case. Can the Police Seize My Vehicle in North Carolina?

Traffic stops happen on a daily basis and most drivers will get stopped at least once or twice during their lifetimes. While most traffic stops happen without incident, there are times when complications arise. In some cases, the police actually seize a vehicle as the result of criminal activity associated with the driver or owner. Many people wonder under what circumstances can the police take a vehicle?

BlogsInsta-5What are the Penalties for DWI in North Carolina?

Driving while intoxicated, DWI, can result in criminal charges. In North Carolina, the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) for adults aged 21 and over is 0.08%. There is zero tolerance for alcohol consumption for those under the age of 21. If you are a commercial driver, you cannot have a BAC of 0.04% or higher. If you have been charged with DWI, you will want to understand the potential penalties if you are convicted. A qualified criminal defense attorney will vigorously defend the charges and help you get the best possible results in your case. Assault Charges in North Carolina

Assault charges are serious and can result in severe consequences if you are convicted. Even misdemeanor assault is a crime that you need to vigorously fight. If found guilty, you could face penalties that include fines, community service, probation, and time behind bars, among others. You will need to consider your future and how a potential conviction could impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will help you resolve the charges and protect your rights.

BlogsInsta-1Restoring Your Driver’s License in North Carolina

Driving is an essential part of life. Without a driver’s license it is difficult to get to work, to school, go shopping, and take care of all your typical daily needs. Unfortunately, there are some circumstances that could result in a suspension of your driving privileges. When that happens, you will want to know how to restore your license. There are various reasons why your license was suspended. An experienced Charlotte attorney will help you restore your driver’s license in North Carolina.

Suspension For Failure to Appear are the Concealed Carry Laws in North Carolina?

People in North Carolina are allowed to carry a firearm. Concealed carry is a term that applies to carrying a firearm in a way that is not visible to an ordinary observer. Concealment can be made in a number of ways. When on your person, a gun that is tucked into a waistband and under a shirt is considered concealed because it is not readily seen by others. The same holds true for carrying a gun in your pocket. Now a Controlled Substance in North Carolina

There are many types of illicit or illegal drugs. Some of these drugs have not been properly classified and have been available to the public. One such drug is tianeptine. North Carolina recently passed legislation making tianeptine illegal to sell in our state. The drug has previously been available in places such as convenience stores and vape shops. Tianeptine was not regulated in the past because it was classified as a supplement and not subject to FDA approval.

What is Tianeptine? is the Difference Between a Manslaughter and Murder Charge?

If you are facing manslaughter or murder charges you know that you could face serious consequences if you are found guilty. These are charges that you must take seriously because you could end up behind bars for a significant period of time. Generally, murder charges are more serious because they refer to an intentional killing while manslaughter is unintentional.

A strong defense is essential, regardless of the charges against you. An experienced criminal defense attorney will vigorously protect your rights and defend the charges. It is helpful to understand the difference between manslaughter and murder charges in North Carolina. Against Juvenile Criminal Charges: What Parents Need to Know

One of the most terrifying things to face as a parent is a phone call from the police stating that your child is in trouble. Parents want to do everything possible to help their children through this difficult experience and keep them from having severe penalties that could negatively impact the rest of their lives. When your child has been detained or is charged with a crime, parents need to know the options available and how to best handle the situation. Often, the best way to proceed is with guidance from a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney.

Juvenile Crimes

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